+31 165 316 025 pl@sticcompany.nl

Plastic Company becomes CO2 neutral!

Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is a logical consequence of Plastic Company’s core activity: recycling. Thanks to us, plastic waste material is again used as a raw material. But as far as we are concerned, CSR goes one step further: Plastic Company takes the effects on people and the environment into account in its entrepreneurship.

Plastic Company also involves its stakeholders such as suppliers, customers, employees and the local environment. Here, concepts such as partnership, commitment, open communication and honesty are central.

Plastic Company has been a partner of MVO Nederland (CSR Netherlands Foundation) since 2010 to keep abreast of new developments in the field of sustainable entrepreneurship.

To further achieve our objectives, we joined Stimular in 2016 and use the Environmental Barometer to map out our CO2 emissions and reduce them where possible.

The following goals have now been achieved

  • 100% green electricity and 100% green gas
  • LED lighting in all our offices, production and storage areas
  • FSC certified paper
  • EUR8, CCE class truck
  • Realisation of self-declaration through CSR Academy
  • Affiliated with Stimular and use of Environmental Barometer
  • Cooperation with Triodos Bank and ASN Bank
  • CSR integrated into personnel manual
  • Waste streams reduced and separated

Goal for the coming year

  • Application of ISO26000 guidelines



We strive for 100% CO2 neutral!